Friday, 9 January 2015

2015 - Bring it on!!

After having a wonderful break my mind is slowly ticking back into the classroom and thinking about what this year holds in the classroom.

This year is going to be full of lots of learning and changes.... which i'm excited about!

I'm going to be staying at Riccarton Primary, which is awesome. I've loved my 6 months here so far and can't wait to see what 2015 holds for all of us... but i'm moving up in ages, from teaching New Entrants and Year 1 students over the last 3 years, i'm taking a little jump up to Years 3 and 4... which will mean giving my program an overhaul, but that's a good thing!

The next change is my teaching environment... in a few days builders will be in my room making a hole/walk way between my classroom and the next door one... I think it will be about triple door size... but i'll have to wait and see what it actually looks like... might sneak into school and take some photos of the building in action!

This small building project will be the start of a Modern Learning Environment (MLE) which will have myself and another teacher in collaboration... which we don't fully know what it will look like just yet, but by the time the kids arrive we'll have 1.0 ready to go. 

We visited another school to begin this process and what we heard from their principal and the teachers was that it was ever evolving. Something that worked in Term 1 might not in Term 3, and an idea what was awesome somewhere else, might not have the same outcome in our environment. So as I said to begin - lot of change and learning - but i'm looking forward to it!

To get my head in the game, i'm beginning to look at some other schools and how they do it through looking at blogs and videos.

Below is one i've recently watched which (IS LONG! but...) shows perspectives from principal, teachers and parents... it's not how ours will be to begin with... but who knows what learning environments could be like in a few years time!

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