I'm excited!
I've heard people talk about doing courses of finding out their strengths, and have always been a bit interested in it, but never looked further into it, but this weekend i'm getting my chance.
My husband and I are off to Wellington for the Scripture Union AGM, and as a part of it there are 3 workshop slots... I have chosen to take the strengths finder track.
So I have already done a 45min online questionaire through the 'Gallup Strengths Finder' which has come up with my top 5 strengths, my task before the weekend was to read through and highlight what hits home most... while reading through there were lots of points that jumped out at me... as well as some that I didn't think were me at all... these are what I got (without the highlighting)...
* Strength areas edited after going on the course and getting the more personalised/less generic descriptions. Belief
It’s very likely that you may point out issues, problems, or obstacles before others see them. Some people label you a pessimist. Perhaps you reply, “I’m just being realistic. I sometimes choose to fix things before they wear out, break down, or become obsolete.” Because of your strengths, you feel much better about yourself and life in general when you have a worthwhile cause or project to which you can dedicate your mind, body, and spirit. By nature, you can sometimes place the needs of others ahead of your own. Driven by your talents, you might be determined to push for specific kinds of changes that could benefit humankind or Earth itself. To some extent, your desire to have an impact motivates you to enter into conversations with intelligent people. Sometimes drawing on their knowledge and ideas as well as sharing your wisdom is exciting. Perhaps some of these discussions redirect your thinking or cause you to reexamine your purpose in life. Instinctively, you place more importance on the purpose and value of what you do than on the monetary rewards that accompany success.
By nature, you periodically derive satisfaction from pulling newcomers or outsiders into discussions or friendly chitchat. Over time, you may have become more aware of your abilities or more accountable for your words and deeds. Maybe you claim to be more grown up than some of your coworkers, teammates, family members, classmates, or friends. It’s very likely that you experience pangs of remorse when you realize you failed to do something you promised to do. You feel awful when you do not do something correctly. You probably regret having compromised your basic values about right and wrong. Instinctively, you may strive to be a dependable person. Maybe you please people by being reliable. You might enjoy assuming accountability for certain tasks, projects, assignments, or commitments. Perhaps you accept these additional duties without making a fuss. Driven by your talents, you may want people to regard you as trustworthy, dependable, or reliable. Perhaps this yearning motivates you to do whatever you said you would do. Chances are good that you may reject the idea that telling a falsehood about something unimportant is acceptable. Perhaps you refuse to make an innocent social excuse to protect someone’s feelings.
It’s very likely that you might express your ideas and feelings so others take notice. To some degree, you delight in leading conversations, telling stories, making presentations, debating, or discussing. Perhaps the verbal give-and-take between human beings is something you value or do well. Chances are good that you like to amuse people with your stories. Your stories probably provide people with pleasant distractions from their daily routines, worries, and obligations. By nature, you may derive pleasure from spending time with people, rather than being alone. Perhaps this partially explains why you are thrilled when someone makes an effort to befriend you. Because of your strengths, you openly admit that you participate in friendly rivalries for fun. Perhaps you are comfortable letting people know what you do and do not value. Driven by your talents, you may feel comfortable speaking to a variety of individuals or audiences.
Chances are good that you may be willing to juggle multiple tasks at the same time when it helps a person or a group handle a complicated project. Perhaps individuals who do their best work when they can concentrate on one activity appreciate having you as a partner. It’s very likely that you may avoid associating with people who lack integrity or have proven themselves unworthy of your trust. Because of your strengths, you routinely engage in group activities and projects. Often these benefit youth and small children. Driven by your talents, you periodically find better ways for people to cooperate. You try to identify the strengths, limitations, ideas, goals, or experiences each person brings to the group. You might set up partnerships so individuals can acquire the knowledge or skills they lack. Instinctively, you sometimes coordinate the efforts of diverse individuals without denying them their uniqueness. You might emphasize their common goals. You might call attention to their talents, skills, knowledge, backgrounds, or other traits. Perhaps you help people peacefully coexist. This may enhance their overall productivity.
It’s very likely that you might assist individuals by offering them words of support. Perhaps you emphasize what they do well or what makes them special. Driven by your talents, you may hope individuals choose to spend some quality time with you. Perhaps they have seen you put aside something you were doing just to help them. Your unselfishness might win the favor or friendship of others. By nature, you may embolden some people so they begin believing in themselves. Perhaps you help them realize certain things they can accomplish in the future. Sometimes you remind them about certain things they already do well. Because of your strengths, you frequently express your appreciation of possibility thinkers. Why? They create verbal pictures of the future that allow you to envision what is possible. Chances are good that you typically do whatever it takes to know someone on a personal level. The insights you gain help you bestow appropriate recognition on the individual. You instinctively understand the level of attention and the amount of time the person needs from you to feel truly appreciated.
This is the blurb from the SU website for what i'll be doing this weekend
I'm looking forward to what I learn from Toni, and how I can use my strengths in all areas of my life!
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