It's a no brainer really.
Talking with a student for 2 minutes for 10 consecutive days will help grow a solid relationship with them, and it will reflect in so many areas of their learning, behavior and general person.
I got the 2x10 strategy from reading this blog, and as any teacher talking with students is something you do on a daily basis, and I know that the more I get to know my learners, the better I will be able to teach them... but i'm not that often directly intentional with it.
While doing kids camps, during our morning meeting each leader would name 1 or 2 kids in their small group who would be their 'focus' for the day. We would intentionally be building relationships, and while camp was only a week long, because we were thinking about it, we could build awesome relationships with the kids there. We also had to name times of the day that would be best for this relationship building... during whole group activities not so much, but maybe during a meal time or kids free time would be great :)
As a teacher it's all that more important... while I have longer to build these relationships, the urgency isn't any less. The blog talks about having the 2x10 strategy for 'at risk' students, but I do strongly believe it's for ALL students.
So this is going to link in the my last post about being more culturally responsive/learning about the cultures in the classroom. Maybe alter it a bit 2 students a day where I take the 2 minutes either in the morning or at the start of morning tea or lunch to just talk. Let them guide the conversation and see what excites them and what makes them, them.
I'll have a reflect back on it when I have been doing this 'intentional' talking for a while! :)
Bring on Term 4!